The Importance of Narratives and Narration

This reading helped me understand the importance of narratives in film. Without it, humans would not be able to make sense of the scenes or understand the importance of a film. Narratives help evoke emotions that draws us to film. Another key aspect to narratives is the narrator. This narrator can come in a variety of styes: character or non-character, restricted or unrestricted, and objective or subjective. The narrator also plays a critical role in evoking emotions in the audience and creating a digestible film for viewers.

A movie I watched growing up that introduced me to the role of narrators was Smurfs. The introductory scene of the Smurf’s Village provides such a great example of narrators because at first you assume he is a non-character; however, as the scene progresses the actions of the other Smurfs interrupt his narration. The audience then realizes that he is character narrator. Through the remainder of the scene, we learn that he is also subjective as he gives his personal opinions and has restricted knowledge. Narrator Smurf is such a unique role because he blends the roles of being a narrator and a character. He experiences the events that happen within Smurf Village which allows him to give his own subjective view.

Furthermore, reading this chapter made me think about the role of narration in modern content. Tiktok videos such as ‘Day in the Life’s’ are narration-based videos that have become extremely popular. The narrator helps orient the viewers in time and space and create a personalization to the narrative all of which was mentioned in the chapters readings.

However, modern narration also has its drawbacks. In a world of AI many narrations can be a fake impersonating voice. Narrations of videos with a celebrities fake voice can be extremely detrimental to their career. A person who is unaware of the AI deepfake could be influenced by a fake celebrities voice endorsing something that is harmful. Narration can be something that is enhanced or tarnished through modern technology.

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