Recently, I was able to rewatch The Parasite again over the holiday. The story follows the impoverished Kim family, who infiltrate the wealthy Park family’s household by securing jobs as their serva...Read More
During this Thanksgiving break, I had the chance to watch Malcolm X, another piece of work by Spike Lee which he presents the racial tensions in the American society in a completely different forms co...Read More
The YouTube video is about Leos Carax introducing and partially “explaining” his film Holy Motors after it has just come out in 2012. While the meaning and the whole film is still very con...Read More
Reading this chapter has changed my prior beliefs about what defines a genre. I thought it would be very clear and specific like comedy, science fiction, horror, and action. But as the book mentioned,...Read More
As a film from 1941, Citizen Kane did not bore me while I was watching it, which surprised me for a piece this old. Just like the book mentioned, the movie built the narrative using the non-linear plo...Read More
In conclusion, Glazor and the whole production team had spent lots of effort into the film to makes it more realistic and let the viewers truly understand what it was like being around the concentrati...Read More
Cinematography is all about the camera and the visualization of what the audience is seeing. The director is always making choices of what to put on the screen, what is the frame used, what is the lig...Read More
I have not watched any films made by Wes Anderson, so I don’t know if it’s his style of making movie or it’s just in The Grand Budapest Hotel. The movie really gave me a sense of a t...Read More