Singing in the Rain (1952) is a movie musical that follows the story of Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly), Cosmo Brown (Donald O’Connor), Lisa Lamont (Jean Hagen), and Cathy Sheldon (Debbie Reynolds) attemp...Read More
Dancing Happiness:: Lyrics & Choreography in “Singin’ In the Rain (1952)” Despite the frequent use of musical and theatric sequences, Kelly describes the choreography for Singin&...Read More
Though this movie was made a considerably long time ago, I wanted to try to find something with an actor or director speaking about the movie. Upon searching, I found the following interview with Dire...Read More
Singin’ in the Rain: A Conversation with Betty Comden and Adolph Green I found this interview to be an extremely insightful look into the writing of Singin’ in the Rain (1952), providing us wi...Read More
Interview: A Human Face: Christian Friedel on The Zone of Interest | Interviews | Roger Ebert While watching The Zone of Interest many questions are raised. What is the significance of making a movie ...Read More
The Zone of Interest (Jonathan Glazer, 2023) is a historical film featuring the Hoss family, who resided directly outside of the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. Auschwitz was the lar...Read More
Article: The Zone of Interest is an intensely disturbing film that reflects on the ...Read More
“The Zone of Interest is possibly the least overtly traumatic film about the Holocaust ever made, yet it’s devastating in the quietest way” is a line from the following Time Magazine article by ...Read More
In conclusion, Glazor and the whole production team had spent lots of effort into the film to makes it more realistic and let the viewers truly understand what it was like being around the concentrati...Read More During the 1950s, Rock Hudson was a popular “masculine and All-American” film heartthrob. L...Read More