Jordan Peele’s Nope (2022) is a fantastic movie that spans several genres, from Western to Horror to Sci-Fi. The film follows the story of OJ (Daniel Kaluuya) and Emerald (Keke Palmer) as they w...Read More
In Nope, the combination of tropes helps to build a sense of growing frustration. The scene where Mr. Haywood is hit by the quarter shows how tropes can build the dramatic scope of a shot. When his co...Read More In the 2022 film Nope by Jordan peele, the film opens up with an Epigraph. the Epigraph comes from the Bible verse Nahum 3:6. The quote states “I...Read More
This weekend, I rewatched Citizen Kane, and I made a connection about the cinematography that I failed to fully realize on my first viewing. For a film about the life and death of Charles Foster Kane,...Read More
Chapter 9 of Film Art covers the concept of genre; authors Bordwell, Thompson, and Smith discuss the definition of genre, its conventions, history, social functions, significant genres over time, and ...Read More
This week’s reading in Film Art focuses on genre, highlighting specific conventions utilized in certain types of films and noting the common themes they express. The author discusses technical eleme...Read More
Simply put, genre is what separates films into different narrative categories. While no concise definitions exist for any particular genre, they are easily recognizable through the film as they are ty...Read More
The most interesting thing I took from the reading was the conventions and rules that are placed into genres. When you think of genres you think of very general and flexible categories for films and o...Read More
Chapter 9 of Film Art focused primarily on film genres, and their role in categorizing films, shaping audience expectations, and serving as both artistic tools and marketing techniques. Movie Ge...Read More
This week’s reading on film genres in Film Art explored how genres work, I specifically found the importance of genre conventions in shaping viewer expectations. As I read the chapter, I noticed...Read More