Singing in the Rain (1952) is a movie musical that follows the story of Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly), Cosmo Brown (Donald O’Connor), Lisa Lamont (Jean Hagen), and Cathy Sheldon (Debbie Reynolds) attemp...Read More
Dancing Happiness:: Lyrics & Choreography in “Singin’ In the Rain (1952)” Despite the frequent use of musical and theatric sequences, Kelly describes the choreography for Singin&...Read More
Though this movie was made a considerably long time ago, I wanted to try to find something with an actor or director speaking about the movie. Upon searching, I found the following interview with Dire...Read More
For starters I would like to begin my viewer analysis with my initial opinions of the film. I typically don’t enjoy musicals and old movies as a matter of fact. However, I thought this film was ...Read More
Singin’ in the Rain was spectacular. While I went into the movie expecting a musical that was grainy and dull, it depicted so much more; indeed, the variety of sound and color used in the film gave ...Read More
While watching Singin’ in the Rain (1952), I was very surprised by the amount of comedy (both physical and verbal) within to the film. In fact, I didn’t actually expect “Old Hollywoo...Read More
This movie was one of my favorites so far. I tend to gravitate towards more upbeat movies, so I liked this film. The first takeaway from this movie was understanding how big of a shift from silent fil...Read More
Singin’ in the Rain: A Conversation with Betty Comden and Adolph Green I found this interview to be an extremely insightful look into the writing of Singin’ in the Rain (1952), providing us wi...Read More
Throughout this film, the music and sound design is very classic for its time. Whimsical music paired with technicolor visuals. The meticulous detail that was upheld in this movie for its sound design...Read More
When I read this chapter and it told me to close my eyes and listen to my surroundings, I was surprised by how much I could hear from my dorm at night. There were crickets, my roommate typing, cars dr...Read More