I would like to believe that everybody else struggled with the readings as much as I did, so I will provide a brief summary of Eisenstein and Bazin’s respective ideas. It appears that Eisenstein...Read More
https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/oct/06/rock-hudson-secret-sex-life-all-that-heaven-allowed During the 1950s, Rock Hudson was a popular “masculine and All-American” film heartthrob. L...Read More
These two videos show different examples of alternatives to continuity editing. For Starters, it shows an eyeline is an imaginary line that shows where a person is looking. In films eyelines are match...Read More
All that Heaven Allows Article At the onset of watching Douglas Sirk’s All that Heaven Allows, I was immediately drawn to the stark contrast of the opening scene’s color pattern. Cary Scott exits ...Read More
Link to article: https://www2.bfi.org.uk/news-opinion/sight-sound-magazine/comment/bradlands/all-heaven-allows-douglas-sirk-mise-en-scene#:~:text=articles%20%2F%20Comment%20%2F%20Bradlands-,All%20that...Read More
While watching All That Heaven Allows I felt very entertained by some of the elements of melodrama, specifically the exaggerated characters. However, I also think simplifying and exaggerating some of ...Read More
A notable moment is when Ron is asking her to come over to his place for the first time. As they are talking about him leaving and he first asks her to go with him the film alternates between medium c...Read More
While I personally am not too crazy about All That Heaven Allows, I do admire just how straightforward its editing is as the narrative develops. From what I can tell, Sirk utilizes continuity editing ...Read More
Link to Article: https://www.criterion.com/current/posts/96-all-that-heaven-allows-an-articulate-screen This article provides the context and tense circumstances surrounding the film’s creation....Read More
I have to admit I did not have many expectations for this movie. I have a bad habit of writing off movies made before the 1980s (1990s if I’m being honest), and hearing it was a melodrama made m...Read More