Upon first watch of The Grand Budapest Hotel, I immediately noticed the interesting way Anderson incorporates the rise of Nazi Germany in the film without directly portraying any actual fasc...Read More
Chapter 9 of Film Art focused primarily on film genres, and their role in categorizing films, shaping audience expectations, and serving as both artistic tools and marketing techniques. Movie Ge...Read More
Article: https://thebestfckingyearsofyourlife.substack.com/p/the-exquisite-loneliness-of-the-grand In The Grand Budapest Hotel, the eponymous hotel acts as an extravagant retirement home. At the onset...Read More
In film you can name just about a million different ways color can be utilized. Some films use it to distinguish characters, some films use it to distinguish setting, some films use it to engage the v...Read More
The Grand Budapest Hotel Color Palette Analysis This article, an analysis of the color in The Grand Budapest Hotel, serves a purpose in being able to accurately point out the colors we are seeing and ...Read More
The term mise-en-scéne relates to all of the elements placed in front of a camera during a film. Wes Anderson displays mastery over all of these concepts in his film The Grand Budapest Hotel. However...Read More
One of the things that I noticed in The Grand Budapest Hotel was that every man had some sort of facial hair, and if they didn’t, they drew it on (Zero). Considering that makeup and character appear...Read More
Upon watching The Grand Budapest Hotel for what is now the third time, I took particular interest in a specific aspect of mise-en-scene (forgive me, I do not have the accent marks): costuming! A large...Read More
One of the things that really caught my eye in The Grand Budapest Hotel was the beautiful architecture of the hotel itself shown throughout the movie. As we learned, one of the main pieces of mise-en-...Read More
Beyond what was contained in the narrative of Zero Moustafa, The Grand Budapest Hotel conveys subliminal motifs through deliberate patterns in staging and framing. The frequent display of the Steadica...Read More