1) Emory United States History Guide Use the left-hand menu to get to “Primary Sources,” and from there, choose an era to find links to news databases. From the “Newspapers” section you can find ProQuest Newspapers and ProQuest Historical Newspapers, which cover the more recent past and the 19th and 20th centuries, respectively. You can also find the database we looked at in class this week, American Historical Newspapers. Newspapers.com has also become a very good database. Additionally, you can find databases for periodicals (magazines) further down this page.
2) Emory Libraries US History specialist Dr. Bruchko’s contact information for help with research: https://libraries.emory.edu/contact/staff-directory/bruchko-erica.html
3) BBC Timeline of North American/US History Excellent timeline that lays out major political and cultural events since the Colonial Era.
4) Library of Congress, Chronicling American History: Recommended Topics List Offers short summaries and research suggestions for each topic.
5) Reader’s Companion to American History Fairly comprehensive alphabetical collection of short articles on a large range of events, people, and themes in US history. Offers linked topics at the bottom of each page.
6) Encyclopedia of American Studies Similar resource as above, but puts topics in a cultural scholarship context.
7) American History Now Very useful for getting ideas about what topics recent historians have written on. The first half is an overview of history by era and the second half is an overview by themes.
8) Oxford Research Encyclopedias: American History Huge collection of topic articles, summaries of literature, and further reading
9) Oxford Companion to US History
10) EBSCOhost American History & Life
11) Oxford Encyclopedia of American Political and Legal History
12) A Companion to American Cultural History
13) Oxford Encyclopedia of American Cultural and Intellectual History
14) Princeton Encyclopedia of American Political History
15) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History
16) Cambridge Companion to Modern American Culture
17) A Companion to 19th-Century America
18) Reader’s Companion to the American Presidency
19) International Encyclopedia of Political Science
20) Oxford Encyclopedia of American Business, Labor, and Economic History
21) American Immigration: A Student Companion
22) Project MUSE