Working on Extra Credit: An Update

Gold star with "Extra Credit"
Gold star with "Extra Credit"
"Being willing to give that extra effort separates the winner from the one in second place." - H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Several of the Rich’s Extra Credit presentations from last year are underway, with a few already wrapping up. Here are a few notable examples:

  • The Integration team completed their work on the Web Analytics effort in November.  It enabled integrated authentication with a Google Apps Domain ( to support Google Analytics usage for Emory websites so that website administrators can now use their Emory credentials to login to Google Analytics.  Now UTS Marketing & Communications is working with R-WIT’s Web Design Group and Emory’s Communications and Marketing Division to aggregate Emory website data. Look for more news later this spring.
  • Our Call Center team is moving forward on their initiative to incorporate IDX training for their staff.  Though the training hasn’t been completed, Emory Healthcare’s Training Manager is currently creating the training modules.
  • Finally, the Client Services team within UTS Enterprise Services is working to provide a better opportunity for employees to purchase their “old” workstations and laptops. The group has documented the desired outcomes and the processes to achieve them.  Next up is finalizing the financial aspects of this proposal: looking at how units can recoup some of their investment and determining whether or not Client Services can or will charge a fee for facilitating this work.

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