Spransy Goes to Europe

Photo of Derek Spransy in London
Photo of Derek Spransy in London
Derek enjoying the sun along the Thames River in London (with Tower Bridge in the background).

Derek Spransy (IT Security) recently vacationed in Europe from October 30 through November 15. Traveling with a retired Delta employee, they flew into London where they spent six days. After visiting friends in Lincolnshire, the duo took the Eurostar to Lille, France, Cologne, Germany, and finally spent four days in Berlin.

What prompted the trip was that Derek had never traveled to the UK. He’d been to Germany and France before. Last year Derek traveled to India. He tries to go on one big trip a year because “it’s always good to see the world from a different perspective. It is easy to get locked into the realities of your daily life and it’s good to get out into the world and see how everyone else lives. It makes the world seem like a smaller place.”

Overall Derek’s European vacation didn’t have any mishaps. Some of the highlights were attending the Evensong service in St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. This is the church where Charles and Diana were married. He also had cocktails at the American Bar at the Savoy Hotel (where cocktails were introduced to the rest of the world). One of Derek’s favorite parts was taking the 200-mph high speed trains. He wishes we had these in the US.

“Being off the grid was very nice,” said Derek. “I had limited access to the Internet, but always find the experience rewarding.”

One Reply to “Spransy Goes to Europe”

  1. For me my Europe trip was started with Thames river where I had been for 2 days and then continued traveling for 18 days later on.
    Looking nice in your photo with Thames river!!!

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