Go Red For Women Day in the Call Center

Photo of OIT staff wearing red clothing
Photo of OIT staff wearing red clothing
The crew at the Call Center celebrating Go Red for Women day in their red clothes!

On February 1, the UTS Call Center celebrated Go Red for Women Day, where everyone was asked to wear red in support of women’s heart health. The Call Center put up an informative display and used it to distribute hand outs and heart-healthy snacks.

Every February, the American Heart Association (AHA) acknowledges women and their lifelong role as caregivers. Current statistics show that more women die of heart disease these days than men, even though heart disease is most often associated with males.

Mary Secrest (Call Center) set up the Go Red for Women event because her sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Inc., celebrated its 100th anniversary by honoring women’s health through works of community service during the month.

“According to Maya Angelou, ‘each one should teach one,'” said Mary, “and with the health challenge we encourage people to go home and tell a person.” One of the brochures supplied by the AHA encouraged readers to not only examine their own heart health, but to consider their family history, as poor heart health is often passed down from generation to generation. “The key is becoming a change agent of your own heart health,” added Mary.

One way to improve heart health, according to the AHA, is take at least 30 minutes every day of quiet relaxation. “Even if it means locking yourself in the bathroom for 15 minutes to get away from the stress of the world, you’ve got to make the time somehow,” adds Mary.

For more information about the Go Red for Women Day and to learn more about heart health, go to http://www.goredforwomen.org/.

This humorous PSA from actress Elizabeth Banks helps demonstrate the need for more heart awareness:


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