Amber Jefferson, IT Coordinator, Enterprise Services

Photo of new employee Amber Jefferson
Photo of new employee Amber Jefferson
Amber hails from San Antonio, Texas.

The latest hire of the Coordinator Team, Amber comes from Nobletek (product lifecycle management software company) where she was a junior systems analyst who performed on-site training and support. She also did tech support for NEA, a company that processes claim information.

Amber has a computer information systems degree from Georgia State University, but is a native of San Antonio, TX and came to Georgia with her husband. They have a four-year-old named Lisa.

Amber likes to read, is constantly chasing her child around, and strives to find moments of peace. “I’m really excited to be here at Emory and I think this will be a great opportunity for growth for me,” says Amber.

You can reach her at amber [dot] c [dot] jefferson [at] emory [dot] edu.

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