Bela Gazdy, Lead Operating Systems Analyst, Digital Programs and Systems

Photo of new employee Bela Gazdy
Photo of new employee Bela Gazdy
Bela knows Physics and Cadillacs!

Bela has been at Emory since 1986 and used to be with ITD and UTS before coming to the Library with the latest renovation. Prior to coming to Emory, he was a post doc at the University of Florida.

A native of Budapest, Hungary, Bela moved to the United States in 1983. “I came for the usual reasons. It’s the Land of Opportunity!”

Bela has a Bachelor’s, a Master’s, and a PhD in Physics from Kossuth University, which was named after Lajos Kossuth, a Hungarian President in the 1800s. Kossuth University was renamed the University of Debrecen in 2000.

When Bela is relaxing at home he enjoys bourbon (Wild Turkey 101) and working on his sage green 1962 Cadillac. “With fins!”he said.

“I’ve been through a few reorgs,” smiles Bela.

You can reach him at bela [at] emory [dot] edu.

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