UTS Game Day Brings the Division Together

Group of UTS staff sitting at a table
Group of UTS staff sitting at a table
Cour-Sera Sera: (L to R) Szabrak, Willingham, Benson, Lovellette, Chuchran, Murdock, Hauenstein, Morse, Hayes, Clontz, and O'Daniel.

After a one-year hiatus, the UTS Game Day returned to the Cox Hall Computing Center on May 16 and was a tremendous success. The event, sponsored by UTS but open to the entire OIT division, provided food, fun and camaraderie.

The event offered a variety of Wii and xBox gaming, steel-tipped dart boards, a poker tournament, various board games, and the ever-popular trivia contest. Winning the poker tournament was Mark Parten (Infrastructure), who dominated from start to finish. Mark Eisert (Integration) came in second.

Photo of John Connerat and Dana Haggas
John Connerat and Dana Haggas share a laugh. This is their famous Party Poseā„¢.

Winning the trivia contest was the team named Cour-Sera Sera, comprised of Marisa Benson (PMO), Leah Chuchran (Academic Technology Services), Lee Clontz (Academic Technology Services), David Hauenstein (Infrastructure), Kathy Hayes (Academic Technology Services), Chase Lovellette (Academic Technology Services), Wayne Morse (Academic Technology Services), Pat Murdock (Academic Technology Services), Shannon O’Daniel (Academic Technology Services), Bill Szabrak (PMO), and John Willingham (Academic Technology Services).

Photo of bbq in trays
Catering by Nicole's and Fox Bros. BBQ.

Game Day was organized by Kim Braxton (Academic Technology Services), in her swansong before moving to her new role as Faculty Services Manager, and Tony Shiver (Academic Technology Services), who once again was an outstanding trivia master of ceremonies. Other staff who contributed to the event were Marisa Benson (PMO), who handled the catering, Haynes Chewning, Robert Kruse, Robin Horton (all of Academic Technology Services), who did a tremendous amount of setup, Norman Hulme (Integration), who provided the posters and signs, and Wade Moricle (Integration), who provided the darting and poker equipment.

The event helped remind us that OIT contains a broad spectrum of talented and interesting employees. It is important to get out of the office for a few hours now and then and Game Day was a perfect vehicle for providing that escape.

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