Mobile Application Architecture Initiative

Mobile App Architecture Overview diagram
Mobile App Architecture Overview diagram
Mobile App Architecture Overview

The following excerpts are taken from a summary written by Steve Wheat (Chief IT Architect, OIT):

Mobile technology is transforming the way people work, deliver healthcare, and perform research. In light of the increasing demand for mobile applications, OIT has prioritized a project for FY2013 to document Emory mobile application architectures in detail for discussion and refinement, just as it has done for web application development, integration, and service-oriented architectures.

This initiative was delivered as a presentation at the International Technology Planning Committee (ITPC) meeting in January, 2013, in which four key goals of the initiative were outlined:

  1. Design and develop a number of mobile applications
  2. Write a mobile application reference guide similar in scope and detail to guides prepared for EAI/SOA and web application frameworks
  3. Review, expand and amend the reference guide with review and input from units that develop, support, and implement mobile applications
  4. Implement the recommendations of the reference guide in the architecture review checklists and technical design review processes as appropriate

Over the past two years Emory OIT has designed, developed, and/or deployed and integrated the following mobile applications:

  • BioCatalogue Mobile
  • EdUnify Mobile
  • Emory Mobile
  • PKU Mobile
  • WebEase Mobile
  • Mass Transfusion Protocol (MTP) Mobile
  • WebEase Mobile for Kids

Based on this experience and building on the integration, service-oriented architecture, and web application frameworks, Steve has written a mobile application reference guide that provides both a high-level overview and low-level detail (microarchitectures) for developing mobile applications at Emory. The guide serves as both an instructional guide and architecture compliance reference.

It will be implemented as a wiki so everyone working on mobile applications can provide feedback and contribute future enhancements and modifications to the text. The purpose of this guide is to facilitate communication in details. The engineering of contemporary software requires written documentation and schematics to facilitate intelligent design discussion.

The architecture team will review, expand, and amend the document based on the review of other units developing and deploying mobile applications, train technical leads in these architectures, and implement the recommendations of the reference guide in the architecture review processes.

If you go out on the wiki, there is a completed guide for GWT reference guide:

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