Hulme is Blomeyer Member of the Month

Photo of a bulletin board in the Bloymeyer Health Fitness Center
Photo of a bulletin board in the Bloymeyer Health Fitness Center
The bulletin board in the Bloymeyer Health Fitness Center.

Norman Hulme (Integration) was honored as the Blomeyer Health Fitness Center at Emory Member of the Month for June 2013. Recent OIT recipients of Member of the Month were Teresa Fleetwood (IT F&A) in June 2012 and Jennifer Stevenson (Enterprise Applications) in September 2012.

As part of the honor of being Member of the Month, Norman filled out the following questionnaire. His answers are posted on the wall in Blomeyer.

Q: How did you start your wellness lifestyle?

A: I got tired of my daughter pushing my abdominal flab like I was the Pillsbury Doughboy.

Q: What have you accomplished thus far concerning your health?

A: Feel awesome, lost weight… got “ripped” and mastered the “pull up”!

Q: What are your future wellness endeavors?

A: Keep on working at it (with the inspiration of Blomeyer’s awesome staff!).

Q: Hometown?

A:. Albany, NY

Q: What types of hobbies and interests do you have outside of exercising?

A: Beer, flea markets, traveling, TV

Q: Fun fact about you:

A: I collect rare and obscure cocktail guides.


  • Favorite food: Mexican
  • Movie: Any David Lynch weirdness (Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive, etc.)
  • Sport: Formula 1
  • Exercise: Walking our dog Cisco
  • Music: New Wave

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