Anne Marie Goes to Paris

Photo of Anne Marie in a park.
Photo of Anne Marie in a park.
Anne Marie enjoying one of the many parks in Paris’ Saint-Germain-des-Pres neighborhood.

Anne Marie Alexander (Integration) recently spent a week in the land of bread and butter and wine and sugar – Paris, France! This was her first trip to Paris and exciting because she speaks just enough French to be dangerous. Below are a few of her trip highlights:

  • Favorite attractions: Musée d’Orsay and the Musée Marmottan Monet (little known museum gem)
  • Favorite dessert: Mocha crème brûlée
  • Favorite restaurant: Le Comptoir du Relais
  • Biggest surprise: How friendly the French people were!
  • Biggest disappointment: How few UP escalators are available in the subway! (it did help her walk off all the fine food, she says)
  • Most interesting experience: Going to see an Italian opera (La Gioconda) with French subtitles and an amazing ballet that brought down the house.

One interesting observation Anne made: “EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE wore scarves!  It must be very in style!”

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