Bianchi Swims to a Pair of Georgia State Game Titles

Photo of a woman swimming.
Photo of a woman swimming.
A swimmer (not Felicia) in the open water at the Georgia State Games.

Felicia Bianchi (PMO) competed in the Georgia State Games last weekend in the 1K and 3K open water swimming competition. She won both events for her age group! She finished 4th overall in the 1K and 9th overall in the 3K. As a result, Felicia is now qualified to swim open water for the State of Georgia.

Felicia used this event as training to prepare her for the Eric Shanteau 5K in September and the Bermuda Round the Sound 7.5 kilometer swim in October.

Felicia is an amazing athlete. She has impressed us in the past with her 500-mile bike rides and herĀ 175-mile running relays. Now she has conquered the water too!

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