Wilson Visits San Diego

Photo of the photographer's feet while resting on a dock
Photo of the photographer's feet while resting on a dock
Trisha letting her feet have a rest at the San Diego Marina.

Trisha Wilson (PMO) recently took a vacation to San Diego. Here is her account:

“Aaaaahh, it’s great to have friends. My friend Paula invited me to visit her in San Diego in May. I’ve been to California three or four times, but I’d never visited San Diego before so I figured, “why not?”

She had lots of activities lined up for me. We went to the zoo which also has a great botanical garden. We had a spa day; mud can be a many splendored thing. We went to the movies where they took our drink and food order during the film, nice. We went shopping, to the marina, the beach, the naval base, etc.

Photo at the San Diego Zoo main entrance
Trisha at the San Diego Zoo.

Needless to say, San Diego was great, and I had an awesome time!”


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