Emory Overview Video a Striking Achievement

Screen capture from new Emory video
Screen capture from new Emory video
The new Emory marketing video is a top-rate production.

Emory Marketing and Communication has released an overview video about Emory that offers powerful imagery and helps convince viewers that Emory University is an outstanding choice for students, faculty, and staff.

This new video provides a vivid impression of Emory University and shows a high-level, somewhat abstracted summary view of the university. It was developed for all audiences and is distributed on Emory’s YouTube channel and main website. It is also available to download on the Communications & Marketing website.

According to Jan Gleason, the Associate VP of Emory Marketing and project lead for this effort, “After people watch this video, we want them to think ‘wow, Emory is amazing’ or ‘I’m proud of Emory.'”

Bryan Meltz and Kay Hinton from Emory Photo/Video created the video, using a combination of video and still images they shot and low altitude aerial footage shot by Yonder Blue Films, using remote operated helicopters. Stephen Beehler, Director of Social and New Media, directed the aerial videography and helped with music selection. He said, “The video was a big group effort out of the marketing department.”

Having watched the video several times, it fills me with pride every time I see it. If you have recently experienced a national broadcast of a collegiate sporting event, you may have seen the quality that goes into university marketing videos these days. Emory’s production is easily on par with the best of these videos. Check it out below!

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