Back to School 2013 – It’s coming!

Group photo of new Emory freshmen
Group photo of new Emory freshmen
Emory freshmen meet Swoop, the Emory eagle mascot.

It is almost time! Back to School (BTS) preparations are well underway as we ready for the return of our Students! New students arrive on Saturday, August 24, returning students are welcomed on Sunday, August 25 and the campus will host entire families throughout the weekend.

EmoryOnLine (EOL), the script that guides the onboard process for student computers, will be distributed via flash drives to help students get connected to the network. Our goal is to enable them to connect themselves, though we will be standing by to provide assistance as needed.

The BTS Team will be in the Freshmen Halls on Saturday and then we will move to the Computing Center at Cox Hall for Sunday’s operation, with a few satellite teams for the Upperclass halls. The tchotchkes have arrived, the staging has begun, and training will be next week for all our BTS staff. BTS weekend is nearly upon us!

If you have any questions about BTS, contact me at dawn [dot] francis-chewning [at] emory [dot] edu.

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