The 2012-13 Annual Report

Screen shot of annual report home page
Screen shot of annual report home page
Screen shot of Annual Report home page.

The 2012-13 Annual Report is now available to read online! This is the third year in a row that MarComm has produced the Annual Report as an online public document. This edition features FY13 reports from Dee Cantrell (Healthcare IS), John Connerat (IT F&A), Brett Coryell (UTS), Marc Overcash (R-WIT), Brad Sanford (IT Security), and Steve Wheat (Architecture), as well as a general overview from Rich Mendola (OIT).

Because the report covers FY13, the branding is still OIT, however the report mentions the reorganization into LITS. Next year, this report will be the LITS Annual Report. If you have any feed back about the report, please contact Wade Moricle at wmoricl [at] emory [dot] edu.

Annual Report:

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