Important LITS Updates

LifeCare logo

Emory Implements Professional Care Management

LifeCare logoThe Professional Care Management Program is designed to help support the needs of any benefits eligible Emory University employee who is caring for an aging, sick or special needs adult, whether nearby or at a distance. The employer‐sponsored benefit will be provided by work‐life services provider, LifeCare. This new benefit is available to all University employees as of November 1 and can provide up to six hours per year of a professional care manager’s services at no cost to the employee.

A professional care manager is a social worker or nurse who is trained in assessment, care planning, and care management of adults. Their services can include: in‐home assessments, facility reviews, post-hospitalization assessments, or ongoing care coordination. This benefit can even be used nationwide so if an employee has an aging parent in another state, they can still use the program.

To learn more about Emory’s Professional Care Management program, visit or contact Audrey Adelson, Work-Life Consultant, at 404 727-1261.

Giving During the Holidays

Toys for Tots logo Toys for Tots:  LITS is sponsoring a Toys for Tots campaign. Toys for Tots is a program of the United States Marine Corps Reserve that collects new, unwrapped toys for distribution to needy children in the community where the toys are collected. If you are interested in participating, please bring a new, unwrapped toy to the LITS HR office, located in room 315 of the Robert W. Woodruff Library on or before December 19th, 2013. All donated toys will be dropped off at the toy collection site on December 20th, 2013. Additionally, you can drop off new, unwrapped toys in the boxes located on each floor of NDB by Friday, December 13.

Canned Food Collection:  1762 Building in conjunction with Employee Council.  Canned food can be dropped off in the 1762 break room

Canned Food for Hosea Feed The Hungry:  North Decatur Building 3rd and 5th floors

Blanket Drive for the Homeless: donate a blanket; please deliver to Winfred Sneed (Infrastructure) in 1762 by end of day December 18th.

Sandwiches for the Homeless:  A dedicated group of staff take over the NDB 5th floor break room to make sandwiches for the homeless every Thursday morning.  Literally hundreds of sandwiches (over 300) are made each week and taken to local shelters.


InfoForums logoHere is the InfoForums list for December 2013 thru February 2014. Increase your knowledge of library and IT projects and initiatives:

  • Tuesday, December 17, 2013 from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m., “Licensed to ILL” – Join us as we share who uses ILL at Emory, what kinds of things they request, and who we borrow from as well as who we lend to and what we lend. We’ll also be the changing landscape of ILL in the local, US & international contexts. Presenters:  Kathy Britt-Rogers, Margaret Ellingson, Marie Hansen, Kitty Quitmeyer, and Sarah Ward (Woodruff Library, Jones Room)
  • Tuesday, January 7, 2014, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. – Scholarly Communication Office (Woodruff Library, Jones Room)
  • Thurs., January 23, 2014, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. – Clinical Informationist Program (Woodruff Library, Jones Room)
  • Thurs., February 6, 2014, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. – Library Security (Woodruff Library, Jones Room)
  • Thurs., February 20, 2014, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. – Outreach & Education team (Woodruff Library, Classroom 314)

Benefits Contact for LITS

HR benefits symbolNote that due to the creation of the LITS division and staffing reorganization, Velma Browning will now be the benefits contact for employees in LITS. Velma is a Senior Benefits Specialist and has been supporting the Libraries for over 2 years but, effective immediately, she will provide benefits support for all employees in LITS. Velma can be reached at 404-727-1658 or velma [dot] browning [at] emory [dot] edu.

Performance Management Training For Managers

Photo of tiles with the words "Lead" and "Learn"For the FY2014 performance period (Sept 1, 2013 – Aug 30, 2014), schools and divisions across Emory will be implementing a new performance management system and tool. In order to familiarize our managers and supervisors with this new process, the LITS HR team will be holding training sessions over the next two weeks. All managers and supervisors in LITS have been asked to make plans to attend one of the training sessions listed below, as their schedule permits. Also, there will be a make-up session scheduled in January for those who are unable to attend the December training sessions. Additional information will be distributed shortly to all Emory personnel, explaining the major elements of the new performance management process.

Training Course:  Performance Management Training: “New Competencies, New Perspective”
Target Audience:  All Managers and Supervisors in LITS
Course Length:  2 hours
Cost:  There is no charge to the department for this training

Times and Locations Performance Management Training is Being Offered (please make plans to attend one of the following sessions):

  • Friday, December 13th, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., 4th Floor Auditorium in North Decatur Bldg
  • Monday, December 16th, 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m., Jones Room on 3rd floor of Woodruff Library
  • Thursday, December 19th, 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., 4th Floor Auditorium in North Decatur Bldg


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