Dogs in the Library? Woof!

Photo of a dog rading a book in a library
Photo of a dog rading a book in a library
“Dogs are my favorite people.” – Richard Dean Anderson, actor.

CNN reporter Jen Christensen recently did a lengthy piece on how the Woodruff Library used therapy dogs to help Emory students cope with the stress of finals. A growing trend around college campuses, these dogs were brought into the Jones Room to be petted and played with by frazzled students needing a study break.

“Woodruff was inspired to do its first pet therapy study break after the Emory Law library did one in Spring 2012,” says Erin Mooney (University Libraries).

According to the article, scientific studies show that interaction with dogs releases natural hormones in humans that reduce stress and lower blood pressure. Plus, the dogs might reciprocate with sloppy, wet kisses!

Actually, the dogs used had all passed rigorous training to become certified therapy dogs. The dogs came from CanineAssistants, an Alpharetta-based nonprofit that trains dogs and provides them to various groups.

You can read the full article HERE.

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