Ham radio with Tom Armour

Photo of Tom Armour
Photo of Tom Armour
Tom is an avid ham radio operator!

Tom Armour (UTS) recently received the DXCC Certificate for ham radio operation. This certificate, which stands for the distant contact century club, is awarded to operators who have confirmed contacts with over 100 geographic entities (or countries) around the world.  There are currently 340 accepted DXCC entities which are composed of countries and geographically separate places (for example: Hawaii and Alaska are each an entity).

Awarded by the American Radio Relay League(wikipedia) (ARRL Web Site), this certificate is one of many that radio enthusiasts can earn. Tom already has DXCC certificates for Mixed (combination) and Phone (Voice).  There are four types of DXCC available.  The types are Digital, CW(Morse Code) , Phone (Voice), and Mixed (any combination of the other three).  After getting the certificates they can be upgraded with endorsement stickers for various achievements.

Photo of a ham radio operator's desktop with their equipment
Tom’s radio setup at home.

All of Tom’s contacts were digitally signed and confirmed with the Logbook of the World tracking system managed by the ARRL.

Incidentally, 2014 marks the one hundredth anniversary of the creation of the ARRL.

Tom’s FCC Licensed call sign WA4TA is an Amateur Extra class license. This is the highest level amateur license offered by the FCC.

Tom says his next goal will probably be “Worked All States,” which is an award for contacting individual amateur radio stations in each US state.

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