Performance management update

Four men share work on a jigsaw puzzle
Four men share work on a jigsaw puzzle
Performance management is key to our FY2014 plans.

As has been shared in a number of different communications from Emory’s Learning and Development department and through the LITS weekly newsletter, we will be using a new Performance Management tool for the FY2014 review cycle that will include the following elements:

  • New online PeopleSoft tool for performance evaluation (still under development but to be launched shortly via self-service)
  • Common set of 8 competencies that will be emphasized and measured throughout Emory University
  • New performance rating scale
  • Tools and tips for effective goal-setting and measurement, performance documentation, and professional development planning
  • Extensive training support and performance management aides
  • Note that the new system will also provide for job-specific attachments which may include detailed goal setting and tracking or attachments that capture specific achievements or scholarly endeavors.
    • Librarians in particular will be provided with a Microsoft Word template that will assist them in capturing the categories of information that relate to the librarian peer review process such as Campus & Academic Service, Professional Development & Activity, and Scholarship and Creative Endeavors.

Employee training will be conducted as outlined below, but for a sneak preview of the core concepts that will be part of this year’s performance management process, please refer to the information on the Performance Management web page linked here:

Training for Managers/Supervisors:
Nearly 2/3rds of the managers and supervisors in LITS have already been trained on this new tool and process whereas additional manager/supervisor training sessions will be held next week at the following times and locations:

  • Tuesday, March 11th, 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m., 4th Floor Auditorium in North Decatur Bldg
  • Thursday, March 13th, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., Electronic Classroom 314 on the 3rd floor of Woodruff Library

Training for Non-Managers:
Non-manager training will also be offered beginning in the next two weeks and continuing into April.  Training will be available through both instructor-led classroom sessions as well as web-based training modules.  More information on non-manager training will be published by next week.

Although certain practices like mid-year reviews or professional development planning are advocated by HR as good management practices, the use of certain, non-mandatory tools or processes will be up to the discretion of departmental management. For example, not everyone will be required to draft a professional development plan, but tools and training will be made available so that those processes can be optimized for those who seek them. As for mid-year reviews, managers are encouraged to begin formulating their thoughts and feedback and once the new tool is officially launched and available, it can be used to conduct mid-year reviews as well as year-end performance appraisals.

Also, more information will be shared shortly on our plan to capture and store historical performance appraisal content from both the Sonar6 tool that had been used in IT as well as the Microsoft Word documents that had been used in library departments. This information will not be housed in the new PeopleSoft tool, but we will have a process by which managers and employees can access and reference performance reviews from prior years.

Finally, over the next month or so, we will develop and communicate the process and timeline for year-end performance appraisals throughout LITS. In the meantime, please take the time to review the materials published on the Performance Management web page, look for additional information coming soon on non-manager training, and please feel free to contact any member of the LITS Human Resources staff if you have questions.

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