It’s all about the Earth!

Image of earth with lights on in major population areas
Composite image of earth with lights on in major population areas
World lights from space.

Emory’s Office of Sustainability Initiatives has much planned for April, but it starts in March with Earth Hour, 3/29 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. What’s Earth Hour? Go to for details, but to summarize, it’s Lights Out all over the world for one hour! Millions of people, multiple countries, whole continents are getting signed up – corporations and higher education included. If you go to Google, and search on world lights from space (or go here World Lights) you would be amazed to see how lit up the Earth really is. Now imagine if it all went dark – just for an hour. The energy savings would be remarkable to say the least, but the special part is finding cool things to do…play tag in the twilight, check out the night sky, or just sit and talk!

April begins with a free conference, “Break the Cycle,” on April 7 & 8 in the Rita Anne Rollins Room, 8th floor. We can “Break the Cycle of Environmental Health Disparity in Children.” Visit Break the Cycle for the agenda and to register if you want to attend; it’s a training and research program to create leaders in the field of children’s health disparities where environmental concerns are focused on disadvantaged socioeconomic communities. Emory partners with the Southeast Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit and Innovative Solutions for Disadvantage and Disability for this conference and registration is open now!

In the week of April 22 (Earth Day!!!) there will be lots of events that will be announced, but don’t miss the Festival on April 22! It’s Earth Day and there will be all kinds of good stuff going on with faculty, staff and students. Info booths, food samples, cool demos and much more! This event will take place in front of Cox Hall, all along the street. Details coming soon but do plan on dropping in!

Remember – Green is compost (goes right back into dirt), Blue is recycling (goes back to being the same thing or something different, but all to the good) and Black is trash (this then is our landfill legacy for it goes on top of everything else we have ‘trashed’). We have come so very far in a short time… let’s keep up the great work!

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