Spring survey about the Online News

Vintage photo of a man with a clipboard
Vintage photo of a man with a clipboard
Take the LITS Online News survey TODAY!

This month marks the one year anniversary of Marcomm’s transition of the Online News from a static monthly online periodical to a weekly WordPress blog. It was a major change in the way we deliver our internal staff content. As such, and because our new colleagues in the Library never got to weigh in on the original decision, we are very interested in your opinions about this publication.

Please take time to complete the enclosed survey. In it you will be able to freely and anonymously express your ideas about such things as newsletter content, style, scope and distribution methods.

Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/QQMLLGY

The LITS Online News was designed to be an enjoyable communication channel for our staff. It is our goal to provide the best product possible. Help us make that happen.

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