Summer Plans on Campus 2014!

Harris Hall
Harris Hall will undergo a major summer project.

There are a number of major projects that will begin immediately following Commencement, Harris Hall and Alabama Hall most notably. Other projects have been and will continue to be underway: these include Candler School of Theology, the Chemistry addition, Raoul Hall and the Emory Healthcare Hospital addition.

There are also several minor projects, ones that may temporarily impact the ways you navigate campus…including Street Repaving (on the campus!) and the Dickey Drive Steam Line Replacement. These projects won’t be lengthy necessarily, but they will effectively reroute pedestrian and vehicular passage. Other projects include the exciting makeover slated for the 2nd floor of Woodruff Library,  a re-do at Carlos Museum, the WoodPEC, the WMB and indeed the Mail Center at the DUC.

But wait, there’s more!  Immediately after Commencement: it is MayMester, three PreCollege Sessions, two Summer School Sessions and a full house of conference guests that will be living on the campus throughout the summer season. Summer is the busiest time of year in many ways!

One Reply to “Summer Plans on Campus 2014!”

  1. Don’t forget the MARBL renovation starting in May! We’ll be relocated to L7 in Woodruff Library for almost a year as L10 is transformed…

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