Professional Reading Series needs your help!

Illustration of a tree with media icons for leaves
Illustration of a tree with media icons for leaves
“Our idea is to broaden the variety of content to allow for other forms of media or even activities and workshops.” – Rob Renner

LITS Human Resources and LEAF (the Library Employee Advocacy Forum) would like to hear from you! We’ve heard from employees who have expressed interest in rejuvenating the Professional Reading Series started by the library last year. The program is designed to expand learning and development for all levels of staff by offering a discussion of articles, books and other professional reading in an informal setting and led by individual staff from all areas of the division. Our idea is to broaden the variety of content to allow for other forms of media or even activities and workshops. We’re looking for two moderators or facilitators to lead each session. We hope to do this every other month, starting in June. Depending on the type of session you would like to hold, we are soliciting articles, videos, workshop ideas, and any other types of activities you might like to try. For instance, one month, we could do an article discussion, similar to the format we used before. Another month, we can do a group activity to promote team building. We will provide an agenda and outline for the facilitation and discussion. We consider this series part of your workday as an opportunity for professional development, provided your workday allows for it. And we welcome staff from all different levels. Please contact Linda Nodine or Jessica Perlove if you have a topic you would like to feature. It would also be helpful if you are willing to serve as a moderator for the session you propose. Please also include the names of any other employees with whom you would like to work on planning or moderating the session. In order to launch the series this summer, we would like to collect an initial set of topic suggestions and moderator volunteers by Wednesday, June 4.

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