EmoryUnplugged undergoes university-wide change

Emory Unplugged logo
Emory Unplugged logo
EmoryUnplugged is the university’s academic wireless network.

This week the Enterprise Network Access Control (NAC) project team announced that they are ready to apply a new NAC system to all of EmoryUnplugged academic wireless.

The new solution, which utilizes software from vendor Bradford Networks, will enable LITS to better manage the wireless environment at Emory. Woodruff Library, NDB, and the 1762 Building have been using the solution for the several months.

Alan White, a security analyst on the architecture team, delivered a presentation at the IT Briefing last week and this week Keith Foster, the project manager for NAC, made the following announcement to the entire university:

Beginning July 15, everyone connecting to EmoryUnplugged (Emory’s academic wireless network) must manually register their Windows or Macintosh desktop or laptop.

  • All mobile devices (tablets and smart phones) will be automatically registered.
  • Anyone who has connected to EmoryUnplugged in the Woodruff Library, the North Decatur Building, or portions of 1762 Clifton Road have already been registered for months with very few reported problems.

How will this work?

  • When you choose the “EmoryUnplugged” option on July 15, you should see a system message from Bradford Networks asking you to register using your Emory Network ID and password. Those of you who have local technology support may already have the Bradford agent pre-loaded on your device. The rest of you will be prompted to download and install the Bradford agent.
  • Once you enter your Network ID and password, you may notice the Bradford agent performing a “posture check” for antivirus software. If your antivirus software is not current or you do not have antivirus installed, you will see a warning message. This message will not stop your registration, however.

    Screen shot of Bradford Networks popup window
    The Bradford Networks popup window.

Important Note:

  • If your local technology support staff has not already installed the Bradford agent on your desktop/laptop AND you do not have administrator access to your desktop/laptop, you will not be able to successfully use EmoryUnplugged without assistance.
  • In these cases or for any other assistance, please consult your local technology support staff or call the University Service Desk at 404-727-7777.

For more information, go to http://it.emory.edu/nac/.

In addition to the university-wide email, this announcement will be publicized in the Emory Report, HR News You Can Use, the Emory Wheel, the University Communicators and Marketing Council, and faculty listservs used by the Provost’s office. If you have additional suggestions on ways to communicate this change across the university, please let us know in the comments section below.

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