Halloween stories from LITS staff

Graphic with "Ghost Stories"
Graphic with "Ghost Stories"
A few tales from the minds of LITS.

The following stories were submitted by various member of LITS:

Peter Day (Identity Management) – When I was a kid I put an intercom speaker in a jack-o’-lantern on our front stoop. I surreptitiously watched through a window and when a trick-or-treater came to the door I would say something to them and the sound would come from the jack-o’-lantern. I startled a few kids, and even had one engage in an extended conversation with me via the jack-o’-lantern. He seemed to think he was really talking to the jack-o’-lantern.

Wade Moricle (Campus and Community Relations) – I think my house is haunted. My father-in-law Tom lived with us during the last four years of his life. Shortly after he passed away in 2012, we started noticing a series of unusual occurrences: items going missing then showing up in his room, his toilet mysteriously flushing in the middle of the night, appliances turning themselves off, etc. One time, I was standing on my porch monitoring the sprinkler and just as the spray of water reached the top step, someone gave me a shove in the back that caused me to step into the water. When I turned around, no one was there. We believe Tom is a kind and gentle spirit, just mischievous…just like he was in real life.

One of my Halloween traditions is rewatching one of my favorite Youtube videos of all time: The Life and Death of a Pumpkin.

The Tufts House (formerly known as the Uppergate House). Creepy…

Mary McAliliey (Campus and Community Relations) – You can read about a ghost that roamed the halls of the Information Technology Division for many years in the Georgian Revival at The Haunting of Uppergate House. No one who has worked there ever forgets the chill.

There is also an interesting 1992 video about the Ghost of Uppergate House. Produced by Peter Day (Identity Management) and narrated by Bill Choate (Enterprise Services, looking very much like David Carradine back then), you can also see a lengthy cameo from a young Bruce Anderson (Infrastructure).


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