Classroom Tech trick-or-treat

Photo of people in Halloween costumes
Photo of people in Halloween costumes
Ryan Roberts as Alf (upper left), BeAnka Tate as a witch (upper right), and contest winner Marina Pejic as a scarecrow. What? No Tin Man?

We had a great turn-out for the 1st Annual Class Tech Halloween Costume contest. Eleven students and staff competed and BeAnka Tate from Security even came down to show off her awesome witch costume and get in on the fun.

Three judges selected a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place costume, with 3 points going to a 1st place bid, 2 points to a 2nd place bid and 1 point awarded to a 3rd place bid. The costume with the most points won.

Our honorable judges this year were:

  • Undergrad student: Laura Ngounou
  • LITS Staffer: Brenda Rockswold (ATS)
  • LITS HR Manger: Khadijah Muhammad (HR)

This year’s winner of the $50 Visa gift card goes to Marina Pejic and her charming scarecrow costume. Marina was the only competitor to receive a vote from all three judges…bravo!

Second place was a 3-way tie between Catherine Pilishvili’s crafty Construction Minion costume, John Nguyen’s awe-inspiring banana suit and my own (was I the only one to watch that show?) Alf costume, straight from the planet Melmac.

Thanks to all who competed and thanks to the judges. Please click on the following link to see photos of all the competitors. My deepest apologies to Barbara Brandt (Class Tech) for not getting a pic of her eerily accurate Steve Lamb (Class Tech) costume. Did anyone happen to get a picture of Barb-Lamb on Friday? Please share if you did.

Congrats again to Marina…your name will live forever in the annals of history as the 1st Annual Class Tech Costume Contest Winner.

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