Gabrielle Dudley on preserving your legacy

Photo of Gabby Dudley
Photo of Gabby Dudley
Gabrielle Dudley, Chair of Archives of the Color Roundtable for the Society of American Archivists.

Gabrielle Dudley (MARBL) was recently featured in Essence magazine’s online edition. According to Amber Moore (Manuscript, Archives and Rare Book Library), “Gabby discusses her job at MARBL, her experiences, and how to preserve one’s legacy.”

“As a teen, I was frustrated with the lack of information in school curriculums about the contributions of African Americans,” said Gabrielle in the article. “I realized the importance in knowing your own history.”

She went on to talk about how people can do several little things that really add up to protect and archive their stories so that future generations will be able to learn and grow from the experiences of the past.

Check out the article:

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