Lee Clontz, Manager, Faculty Services

photo of lee clontz
photo of lee clontz
Lee is pursuing an online master’s of computer science from Georgia Tech.

Lee Clontz has been promoted to the position of manager of Faculty Services. In that role, he will manage the Blackboard team and the Coursera production group as well as aspects of software distribution. A 15-year veteran of Emory, Lee begin his employment as a faculty web developer. In 2006, he joined Client Technology Services and soon became manager of the web team. Lee transitioned back to a developer role to launch the Cascade content management system, for which he received the Emory University Award of Distinction in 2010. Lee moved back to the Woodruff Library in 2013 as team lead for Scholarblogs, the Google Search Appliance, and the Coursera team.

Prior to coming to Emory, Lee moved to Atlanta from New York  in 1999 to be the first “interactive producer” at CNN/Sports Illustrated. Before that he was a graduate fellow working with faculty at Columbia University.

A native of Summerville, SC, Lee earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of South Carolina and a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia.

Lee is a distance runner and is currently training for the Ragnar Relay. He is also pursuing an online master’s of computer science from Georgia Tech. Lee and his wife Melissa have two boys, ages 10 and 7.

“I think this position will be a great fit for me, and I have the benefit of an excellent team,” said Lee. “I’m looking forward to growing and learning a lot in the coming months.”

You can reach Lee at lclontz [at] emory [dot] edu.

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