Lucy Liu, Research Informatics Analyst, IT Data Management & Solutions

Lucy is a native of Dalian, China.

Lucy Liu is a new research informatics analyst in IT Data Management & Solutions. She is currently assigned to a neurology infrastructure improvement project.

Before coming to Emory, Lucy worked for Kennesaw State University for 6 1/2 years as a data analyst and application developer. She also previously worked in China for a year.

Lucy is a native of Dalian, China, which is not far from Korea. She left China for college, earning her bachelor’s degree in computer science from the University of the South Pacific in Fiji. Lucy also has a master’s degree in information systems from Kennesaw State University. She is currently working on an MBA at Georgia Tech.

Before starting her family, Lucy loved to travel, with her favorite destinations being Paris, Brussels, Seoul, Hawaii, Florida, California, and New York City. Now she and her husband Jun are the proud parents of an 11-month-old son named Albert.

You can reach her at pengpeng [dot] liu [at] emory [dot] edu.

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