Mark Your Calendar: InfoForum next week

Graphic with "Coming Up: InforForum"

The first InfoForum of the month is scheduled for Thursday, April 9, from 2:00 to 3:00 pm in the eClassroom 312 of the Woodruff Library. The topic is “Library Facilities” and is being presented by Charles Forrest. Please join us.

InfoForums are opportunities to share a new project or initiative, to learn more about what’s going on in other areas of the university libraries and information technology, and to collaborate and connect with your colleagues.  Please save the date for the following upcoming InfoForums:

  • Thurs., April 15, 10 – 11 am – Portfolio & Project Management for LITS: What to expect and Why we do it, Felicia Bianchi – Jones Room
  • Thurs., April 23, 2 – 3 pm – Grad Fellow Presentations, Linda Nodine – Jones Room
  • Thurs., May 7, 2 – 3 pm – NextGen Learning Commons Assessment: Lessons Learned, Alex Kyrychenko and Tara McCurley – eClassroom 312

*Please be reminded that we are now requiring a 15-day cancellation notice of convenience prior to your scheduled InfoForum date.* 

We have the following InfoForum dates available for summer.  Please contact me at khadijah [dot] muhammad [at] emory [dot] edu to schedule a date.

  • Thurs., May 21, 2 – 3 pm – AVAILABLE – eClassroom 312
  • Thurs., June 4, 2 – 3 pm –  AVAILABLE – Jones Room
  • Thurs., June 18, 2 – 3 pm – AVAILABLE – eClassroom 312
  • Thurs., July 9, 2 – 3 pm – AVAILABLE – Jones Room
  • Thurs., July 23, 2 – 3 pm – AVAILABLE – Jones Room
  • Thurs., Aug. 6, 2 – 3 pm – AVAILABLE – Jones Room

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