Emory Denim Day is next Wednesday, April 22

Image of a poster for Denim Day
Image of a poster for Denim Day
Wear jeans on Wednesday, April 22.

Sent on behalf of the Office of Health Promotion, Division of Campus Life

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The Respect Program in the Office of Health Promotion, in collaboration with the enterprise-wide Intimate Partner Violence Working Group, has been commemorating the month with events culminating in Emory Denim Day on Wednesday, April 22. Learn more about the Respect Program, resources for students, and our events at http://respect.emory.edu and learn about the Intimate Partner Violence Working Group and resources for staff, faculty, and community members at http://womenscenter.emory.edu/Programs/IPVWG/index.html.

Denim Day is both an awareness event AND a fundraiser. We are grateful for the support of the Emory Student Government Association (SGA), who will donate $1 to the Respect Program for each student, staff, or faculty member photographed wearing jeans/denim on April 22nd (see below for how to share pics).

#EmoryDenimDay is a day of action that originated from a 1992 Italian court case in which the conviction of a rapist was overturned. Because the survivor was wearing tight women’s jeans, the judge ruled that “she had to help the accused remove them, and by removing the jeans it was no longer sexual assault but consensual sex.” We stand in solidarity against victim-blaming; sexual assault is never the survivor’s fault. We can all work together to end sexual violence.

Here are four ways to support #EmoryDenimDay:

1. Wear jeans on Wednesday, April 22.

2. Stop by our table at Wonderful Wednesday to make a sign showing how you support survivors.

3. Take pictures of you/your colleagues/students wearing jeans and share them using the hashtag #EmoryDenimDay

  • Tweet us pics @RespectWell
  • InstaGram us @Respect_Program
  • Post photos to “Emory University Respect Program” Facebook page
  • Email pictures to respect [at] emory [dot] edu (let us know if you want us to post them online or not)

4. Donate to support the Respect Program and the Intimate Partner Violence Working Group. This could include a small donation per person for getting to wear jeans on a Wednesday. Your donation will benefit awareness campaigns and months of programming, Sexual Assault Peer Advocates (SAPA), Greek Initiative, Emory Active Bystander Skills (ABS), and much more. Donations can be made by check to Emory University Division of Campus Life with “Respect Program” in the memo line or via this link: http://tinyurl.com/emorydenimday.

If you would like to pick up materials for your office in advance of Denim Day (Ask Me stickers, teal ribbons, flyers, etc.), please email respect [at] emory [dot] edu and we will get them to you ASAP!

Thank you for showing your support for ending sexual violence and supporting survivors. If you have any questions, please contact the Respect Program at respect [at] emory [dot] edu or 404.727.1514.

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