Performance management info sessions schedule

Graphic of two employees in a meeting
Graphic of two employees in a meeting
These sessions will provide an overview of the new system and process enhancements, as well as the timeline of events.

Although we held the first of our Performance Management information sessions earlier this week, please note that four additional sessions have been scheduled for the coming weeks. The remaining training schedule is as follows:

General LITS Staff Performance Management Information Sessions:

  • May 5 @ 2:00-3:30pm ~ Jones Room (3rd floor of the Woodruff Library)
  • May 12 @ 2:00-3:30pm ~ North Decatur Bldg, 4th floor auditorium (1784 N. Decatur Rd.)

Librarian Performance Management Information Sessions:

  • May 4 @ 10:00-11:30am ~  Jones Room (3rd floor of the Woodruff Library)
  • May 12 @ 10:00-11:30am ~ Electronic-classroom #312 (3rd floor of the Woodruff Library)

Make-up sessions may be offered based on demand. Additional training opportunities will be made available through Emory’s Central HR department. Details on those training opportunities will be communicated shortly.

These sessions will provide an overview of the new system and process enhancements, as well as our timeline of events for the 2015 Performance Evaluation cycle.  Additionally, we’ll provide a refresher on key performance management concepts and best practices.

For more information regarding Performance Evaluations, please refer to the email I sent out on Monday, April 27 entitled “2015 Performance Evaluation Timeline and Instructions.” Contact me if you have any questions at rob [dot] renner [at] emory [dot] edu.

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