Ginger Smith retirement

Photo of Ginger Smith
Photo of Ginger Smith
We wish Ginger Smith all the best in her future endeavors.

On July 31, Ginger Smith, the Director of Campus and Community Relations, will retire from Emory University. Ginger’s distinguished 38-year tenure at the University began in the Special Collections Department at the Emory Libraries from 1977-2003, where she held a number of positions from assistant archivist to University Archivist and Assistant Head.

In 2003 Ginger became the first individual to hold  the position of University Archivist until 2009. Ginger has been a leader in the archival profession and among the first to earn the designation of certified archivist. She was also selected as a Fellow for the Society of Georgia Archivist in 2009.

Ginger then advanced and took on numerous appointments within the Library’s Administration, yet another area where she excelled. She began as Director of Events and Alumni Relations in 2007-2010 (concurrent with University Archivist), Director of Library Public Programs from 2010-2011, and most recently before her current change in title, Director of External Affairs.

Aside from her permanent appointments throughout her career, Ginger has done a number of interim and acting terms, some concurrently with other appointments. Her interim and acting appointments include Interim Development Director, 2004-2007; Interim Director of Communications, 2010-2011; Interim Director of Library Development, summer 2010; and Interim Director of the Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Books Library (MARBL).

Ginger’s service to the Libraries and the University is quite extensive, with membership on library committees to include the Affirmative Action Committee, Committees on Personnel Policies, Staff Classification and Evaluation, appointment and promotion processes, library automation, Space Planning Council, search committees for the Archives Division Director, Web Services Leader, and most recently for the University Librarian.

Her service participation for the University includes University Senate Honorary Degrees Committee; University Commencement Planning Committee; University Campus Life Division; University Buildings Projects; University Affirmative Action Committee; the Transforming Community Project, 2004-2006; Information Technology Governance Subcommittee on Development/University Relations, 2006-2008; Emeritus College Living History Project, 2002-2010; Emory Alumni Association in 2006; Traditions and History at Emory committee; Commission on the Liberal Arts, implementation subcommittee; and Co-chair of the MyEmory Campaign.

Ginger’s service to the profession and her scholarly contributions are vast and include membership in associations, consulting, presentations, publications, book reviews, editorial activities and funded research. She is an avid contributor to the community and her awards and honors aside from those I’ve mentioned include Delta Delta Delta, Atlanta Alumnae Chapter Woman of the Year in 1986; Omicron Delta Kappa (Emory Circle) Staff Leadership through Service Award in 2000; National Bronze Medal, Circle of Excellence Awards, Council for Advancement and Support of Education, 2004; Champion for the Transforming Community Project, 2010; and Community Building Award 2012, to name a few.

In my short time working with Ginger I can personally attest that she is an absolute pleasure to work with and a treasure for both the Libraries and the University. She is an excellent manager and organizer and a fountain of information library and campus-wide. It is a comfort and advantage to have access to the depth and breadth of her knowledge and experience. At all times, she is ready to contribute in any way, and openly shares her knowledge of Emory’s history, protocols, and culture to assist in accomplishing the best result for any situation.

I want to acknowledge and thank Ginger for her commitment, dedication, and service to the Libraries and the University over her 38-year career. I’m sure we will see her often but her day-to-day uplifting presence will be missed. We will have a celebration for Ginger some time in the next few months so look for future communications.

Please join me in wishing Ginger all the best in her future endeavors!

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