Upcoming Emory Mobile App Catalog admin training offered

Screen image of a smart phone app
Screen image of a smart phone app
Screen image of the Emory Mobile App Catalog.

Training for Emory Mobile App Catalog Administration has been scheduled around the availability of Steve Collins‘ team which will be assuming some of these responsibilities soon. We’d like to open up the class for any others would like to attend.

It is broken into two, half-day sessions with the first session covering useful technical and functional background on mobile, mobile web apps, hybrid apps, and Emory’s mobile app distribution policies.

The second session will cover routine and advanced administration tasks. The sessions will be available both in-person and as a webinar.

The detailed syllabus and webinar registration are available at: https://wiki.service.emory.edu/x/aqprBQ.

On a related note, we had a presentation/webinar on Monday for the general Emory community on the mobile app catalog with about 15 in-person and 20 webinar participants. We are recording and posting all of these presentations and training sessions in some fashion either using the features of the webinar application, GBS seminar room recording, or developing separate on-demand content.

You will see links to each of these as they happen on http://arch.it.emory.edu.

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