Emory ModoLabs Mobile App platform presentations

Collage of mobile apps
Collage of mobile apps
Various mobile apps from around the college world.

On Thursday, July 30 there will be several presentations on the Kurogo Platform from ModoLabs. The sessions will be led by Emory IT Architecture and Andrew Yu, Founder and CTO of ModoLabs.  ModoLabs is a mobile app platform company that focuses on higher education and healthcare <http://www.modolabs.com/who-already-loves-modo>.

The general session for all Emory people interested in mobile applications begins at 11:00 AM in Goizueta Business School Room 234. The session will also be available as a webinar for those who cannot attend in person.

The first session will cover how a mobile app platform can help us build and maintain certain classes of mobile apps that we frequently develop at Emory such as mobile content (like Emergency Codes and Safety reporting apps), protocol wizards (like the Massive Transfusion Protocol mobile app and Antithrombotic Therapy Interruption Protocol), and reference information (such as Emory Healthcare Mobile for Clinicians).

Presently, when we develop these as native iOS and Android applications we need more highly skilled developers who maintain multiple codebases for iOS and Android. We also need to update these applications more frequently once they are deployed. Platforms like ModoLabs offer attractive alternatives to this process.

The lunch session will be an open discussion and demonstration of an Emory app (Emergency Codes) that we’ve redeveloped with the mobile app platform as well as a discussion of security, deployment, and administration considerations.

In the afternoon session, ModoLabs will present on their primary product which is built on their mobile app platform—their mobile campus which is a direct competitor to Blackboard Mobile. The ModoLabs product is known in the marketplace as being far superior to Blackboard Mobile, so we thought it would be helpful to have ModoLabs present on this solution while they were here even though our primary interest at this time is in the mobile app platform and not their campus solution.

Time Location Session Topics Registration
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM GBS – 234 How a mobile app platform can help build research and clinical apps To participate remotely via Webinar register here
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM GBS – 234 Lunch discussion and demos with ModoLabs on app dev and security Contact Linda Richardson (lrichar [at] emory [dot] edu)
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM GBS – 234 Transforming the campus experience with ModoLabs mobile campus To participate remotely via Webinar register here


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