What to know about the password change policy

Photo of a man thinking
Photo of a man thinking
Hmm, maybe my password could be “RedSuspenders90210″…

In many cases, a password is the only thing that prevents someone else from accessing your private information or impersonating you online. Here are a few things to know about Emory University’s password change requirement.

Password requirements

  • Passwords must be changed at least once a year (more often if necessary).
  • Passwords must be between 9 and 30 characters in length.
  • Passwords must contain at least 2 alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z) and at least 2 non-alphabetic characters (spaces, numbers, punctuation, and/or special characters).
  • Your NetID cannot be part of the password; no more than 2 consecutive characters can be identical; and the password cannot match any of the previous 24 passwords used with the account.
  • Never use your Emory NetID and password for non-Emory sites.
  • Never give your password to anyone, not even someone claiming to be an Emory IT staff member – not even if they ask. (Emory IT will never ask for your password.)

Tips to make your password change easier

  • Gather all your devices together – laptops, smartphones, iPads or other tablets – at your desktop, and close all applications.
  • Put your mobile devices in airplane mode or its equivalent. Your devices are constantly checking your login status and password, and this step will stop it from using your old password, which causes a login failure and lockout once you change to a new password.
  • Delete web cookies – small files that store information such as your login name and password whenever you visit Internet sites – from the browsers on your computer and devices if you’ve enabled the function to save them.

Once you successfully complete the steps to change your Emory password (allow 15-30 minutes for the new password to become active across all network applications), remember to update your password in any places where you have saved it, including WiFi access to Emory Unplugged on your laptop and mobile devices.

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