LITS Holiday Party is next week…RSVP today

LITS Party Poster
LITS Holiday Party poster.

If you haven’t RSVPed for the LITS Holiday Party next week…what are you waiting for? If you like waiting until the last possible minute to do your holiday shopping, you will miss out on a swanky name tag with your name on it or being eligible for special gifts.

To RSVP, click this link:

Holiday parties are more than simply enjoying the food, spirits, games and music. They create an opportunity to build camaraderie with your co-workers in a setting away from the grind of your daily job. Whether you are an extrovert or an introvert, you can enjoy yourself at the LITS Holiday Party.

photo of Stephanie Parisi
“I RSVPed two weeks ago!” says Stephanie Parisi.

For the first time ever, we are offering movie trivia! Come on out and let people know you can tell the difference between a Bacall and a Blanchett.
And of course, there are the exciting casino games. The dealers are experts at teaching people how to play. What better way to learn that you split aces but double down on fives than when there is no money involved?

We look forward to seeing you there.


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