Kayleah Farist, Electronic and Continuing Resources Specialist, Woodruff Library

photo of new employee
photo of new employee
Kayleah Farist is an avid reader of post-modern and contemporary literature.

Kayleah Farist (pronounced KAY-lee) is an electronic and continuing resources (ECR) specialist in the Woodruff Library. She previously spent four years as a student assistant for periodicals and acquisitions at Emory’s Pitts Theology Library, while concurrently instructing high school test prep courses for a year and a half.

Kayleah grew up in Dallas, GA, and has earned a bachelor’s and master’s degree in English, both from Emory University.

She is an avid reader, especially of post-modern and contemporary literature. She enjoys video games and spending time with her husband and pets, a cat and a dog.

“I’ve always enjoyed being at Emory and I guess that’s why I’m still here,” said Kayleah. “It’s nice to be on the other side of the research this time, providing the materials instead of studying them.”

You can reach Kayleah at kbrow34 [at] emory [dot] edu.

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