Ellen Ambrosone, South Asian Studies Librarian, Emory Libraries

Photo of new employee
Photo of new employee
“I love this department. The International Area Studies Team has been very supportive.” – Ellen Ambrosone

Ellen Ambrosone is a South Asian Studies librarian. Before coming to Emory, she completed her PhD in South Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago. During that time, Ellen worked in Special Collections at the Regenstein Library and gained valuable experience in the academic library environment.

In addition to her Ph.D., Ellen has a master’s degree in divinity with an emphasis on the history of religions from the University of Chicago and a bachelor’s in political science from Butler University

A native of Evansville, IN, Ellen travelled throughout India for four months after leaving Butler University and fell in love with the culture. She returned to India several times while researching her dissertation on the modernization of the Malayalam language.

Ellen’s main hobby is dancing Argentine tango. Believe it or not, “there is a bustling Argentine tango community in Atlanta,” said Ellen. She also loves cooking, with one of her favorite dishes being chili.

When discussing her work thus far, Ellen said, “I love this department. The International Area Studies Team has been very supportive.”

You can reach Ellen at ellen [dot] ambrosone [at] emory [dot] edu.

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