Becky Sherman, Project Archivist, Rose Library

Photo of new employee
Photo of new employee
“It has been wonderful to return to Emory and be a part of an intellectually engaged community in the library and across campus.” – Becky Sherman.

Becky Sherman is a project archivist for the Rose Library. She first came to Emory in 2008 as a graduate student in Emory’s history department. While in graduate school, she worked in what was then MARBL as a part of a team that processed the papers of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). She worked as an archivist at the Georgia Archives for two years before returning to Emory in the fall of 2016. 

Originally from Pennsylvania, Becky has lived in four southern states, counting Georgia. She has a bachelor’s degree in history and art history from the University of Virginia and a master’s degree in history from N.C. State University. 

 Becky spends most of her time away from work entertaining her four-year-old daughter. She also enjoys exploring Atlanta.

“It has been wonderful to return to Emory and be a part of an intellectually engaged community in the library and across campus,” said Becky. “In my current position, I lead a team that is processing the papers of former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn. This project has presented plenty of challenges already due to the enormous size of the collection (over 2000 linear feet), so it will be very rewarding when this collection is finally processed and made available to researchers.”

You can reach Becky at rebecca [dot] thaler [dot] sherman [at] emory [dot] edu.

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