Circulating laptops available in Woodruff Library

Photo of people using a laptop
Photo of people using a laptop
Need to borrow a laptop? Go to Music & Media!

Starting in January, the Music & Media Library has started to circulate a small collection of four MacBook and six Dell laptops for a circulating period of seven days.  This collection was created in response to requests from faculty, staff, and students, for whom the 3-hour circulating collection was not meeting their needs. Many of the faculty and staff use the computers when going to a conference, or workshop, and they only have a desktop computer, which does not travel well. In addition, the library would get requests for laptops from students whose personal laptops were in the shop being repaired, and they need the laptop in a class across campus, or over the weekend to work on an assignment.

In the 10 weeks that these laptops have been available for circulation, they have each circulated between 10-13 times. Patrons can book the laptop in advance by visiting or calling the Music & Media library. Information about the laptops can be found on the Equipment Collections at Emory Research guide.

Each laptop uses Deep Freeze which preserves the library’s computer configuration.  Any changes are reversed on reboot of the laptop, which means any personal information that the patron has installed on the computer is erased.

From calculators and cables to camcorders and laptops, this equipment helps students, faculty, and staff in their academic endeavors.  To find out more about these collections, check out the Guide to Equipment Collections at Emory, one of the many wonderful research guides that are available through the library.

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