LITS Customer Service and the customer satisfaction initiative in 2017

Clip art of figures holding a "customer service" sign
Clip art of figures holding a "customer service" sign
Customer service is a continuously evolving effort to bring the best services to our Emory community.

Last year, the LITS Customer Services group had a requirement from leadership to determine the current levels of customer satisfaction across its customer base. Customer Services consists of three main departments:

  • University Service Desk (about 30K customers – made up of faculty/staff)
  • Client Services (application and desktop support for 3,000-4,000 workstations in administrative areas around campus)
  • Classroom Technology (about 300 classrooms and meeting spaces in Emory College and around campus)

With that goal in mind, our team met with various business units around campus to conduct interviews with leaders regarding their perceptions of Customer Services’ performance.

Based on the interviews we conducted, LITS Customer Services worked with the Goizueta Business School to validate a formal approach to measure customer satisfaction using a standard metric called Net Promoter Score (NPS).

NPS, which is a number between -100 and 100, rates an organization based on how likely individuals are to recommend services to a co-worker, friend, etc. NPS is derived by asking one question: “On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our services?”

LITS’ initial NPS survey was conducted in August, 2016, in a partnership with Emory Institutional Research, and approximately 3,000 people were polled. The NPS for LITS Customer Services was 26. Anything over zero is a positive score, but a score of 26 indicates we have room for improvement.

With this in mind, we put together FY17 projects aimed at improving customer experience across our groups.

The four central FY17 projects with this focus are:

  • Proactive Customer Care Initiative
  • Customer Service Annual Award for achievements in customer service
  • Review of Service/Support Tools
  • Customer Outreach and Service Marketing

Upon completion of these projects, around Fall 2017, we will conduct the same survey again and measure our improvement.

Customer service is a continuously evolving effort to bring the best services to our Emory community. Change doesn’t happen overnight but instead must become a part of our daily culture of work. We would like to encourage everyone to make customer satisfaction a priority for the remainder of this fiscal year, and we look forward to reporting back to you in FY18.

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