Healthy Emory Connect is a new way to help Emory employees get fit

Emory Wellness has announced a new platform for tracking fitness called Healthy Emory Connect. Marisa Hutchinson and Curtis Williams, both of the Emory Wellness staff, gave presentations about the new service this week at the Emory Libraries’ all staff meeting and the LITS IT Briefing, respectively.

Healthy Emory Connect is now the one-stop shop for health and well-being at Emory. This platform allows employees to synch all of their devices in one place and offers more interactive options than ever before. It is also the tool that employees will use during this year’s Move More Challenge, which begins on March 5.

The platform allows users to earn point for activities other than merely running/walking. There are challenges regarding nutrition, sleep, activity, and other various aspects of wellness. The accumulation of points allows employees to earn money towards their medical plan incentives.

For more information go to:

To view a video of the IT Briefing presentation, including a demo of the tool, go here:

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